How about a healthy snack for in between? You only need 6 ingredients for these delicious superfood bars! 😍Are you also a snack lover and, like me, always need something to eat in between? 😄
Pumpkin seeds are one of our local superfoods and are a real mineral bomb, as they provide us with a lot of zinc, magnesium, iron and copper. They also contain many essential fatty acids and almost 30% protein, which has a very high biological value. And did you know that pumpkin seeds even expel parasites? You’ll find more infos about pumpkin seeds below.

Have fun trying it out! ♥


Pumpkin & Poppy Seed Bars

Natalie Lutz
prep time 30 Minuten
Dish Snacks
servings 9 bars (1/2 baking tray)


  • 200 g pumpkin seeds
  • 4 tbsp poppy seeds
  • 3 tbsp puffed amarant
  • 3-4 tbsp maple syrup
  • 50 g coconut oil
  • 1 tsp sea salt


  • Preheat the oven to 180° C top and bottom heat.
  • Chop half of the pumpkin seeds. Mix with the other half and all the dry ingredients.
  • Heat the coconut oil and add to the mixture together with the maple syrup and mix well. It should now be a sticky mixture.
  • Pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and spread (approx. 5mm thick). Press down carefully but very well with a spoon.
  • Bake for approx. 20-30 minutes until firm. Let cool briefly and cut into equal-sized pieces.

This recipe is

vegan / gluten-free / without refined sugar
Keyword Eat Your Superfoods


Pumpkin seeds – healthy superfood snack
They belong to the domestic superfoods, because they are not only delicious, but also full of valuable nutrients. Originally from Mexico and Texas, they are above all an organic “wonder food” for men.
Pumpkin seeds contain almost 50% oil and a lot of essential fatty acids. They also provide phytosterols, which have a hormone-like effect, break down cholesterol and have an anticarcinogenic (= non-carcinogenic) effect. Furthermore, they contain almost 30 percent protein, which has an exceptionally high biological value, vitamins A, B and E and are a mineral bomb: 1 portion (30 g) covers approx. 20-30% of the mineral requirement. Above all, there is plenty of zinc, iron, magnesium and copper.
They also increase serotonin levels (serotonin is called our “feel-good hormone”) and thus brighten our mood. What’s more, they are a natural remedy for bladder & prostate. After the age of sixty, the prostate begins to enlarge in the majority of men. It can then press on the urethra to such an extent that urine no longer flows properly. In the early stages, pumpkin seeds can even act as a remedy. Pumpkin seeds contain substances that counteract the “tonus weakness” of the prostate, i.e. its lack of elasticity, and thus have a positive effect on the irritable bladder. This way, the discomfort when peeing disappears.
Nice To Know:
Did you know that pumpkin seeds even expel parasites (e.g. tapeworms)? They are known to cleanse the intestines – in humans and animals, so much so that some pet owners regularly mix finely ground pumpkin seeds into the feed of their horses and dogs to prevent intestinal parasites.
In the case of worm infestation, however, they not only have a preventive effect, but also a direct therapeutic one. Pumpkin seeds are particularly interesting for children as an anti-parasite remedy. Because children like to get infected with pinworms – and pumpkin seeds taste delicious, so they can easily be snacked on as a preventive measure.


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