Happy third advent! I’m slowly getting more and more into the Christmas mood despite the current circumstances, you too? That’s why I have another delicious biscuit recipe for you. The men are not classic gingerbread men, but made on the basis of oats – so there is an extra load of protein on top.

Oats are the most protein-rich grain and also have a higher biological value compared to all other grains. But they also provide many valuable B vitamins, which are generally good for skin, hair and nerves, and the high amount of soluble fibres make the grain easy to digest.

You’ll find more exciting info about oats below.

Have fun baking!


Oat Gingerbread Men

Natalie Lutz
prep time 1 Stunde 30 Minuten
Dish sweets
servings 20 pieces


  • 180 g oats
  • 150 g spelt flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 80 g coconut blossom sugar
  • 30 g honey
  • 60 g coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 tbsp Gingerbread spice

For the garnish:

  • 1/2 bar of organic dark chocolate or couverture
  • Optional for a colour garnish: Organic white chocolate/couverture + blue spirulina powder & aronia powder.


  • Heat the honey, sugar and coconut oil in a pan and mix well. (The mixture must not boil!) Cool down briefly.
  • Mix the flour with the baking powder, add the oat flakes, eggs, vanilla powder, gingerbread spice and the sugar-oil mixture and mix with the dough hook to a smooth dough.
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and leave it in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  • Preheat the oven to 180° top and bottom heat.
  • Then roll out the dough between two layers of baking paper to a thickness of approx. 0.5mm.
  • Cut out with any shapes you like (e.g. gingerbread men) and carefully place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for approx. 10-15 minutes on medium stage until the men are lightly browned.
  • Let thefinished gingerbread men cool down. Meanwhile, prepare the garnish.
  • Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and then decorate the gingerbread men as you like with a decorating stick. For a colourful garnish, melt the organic white chocolate in a bain-marie, add some spirulina or aronia powder and decorate with a decorating stick too.
  • Let the chocolate dry well and store the Gingerbread men in an airtight container in a cool place.

This recipe is

vegetarian / wheat-free / without refined sugar / dairy-free
Keyword Eat Your Proteins


Oats – the grain richest in protein
With 12 to 20 percent, oats are not only the most protein-rich grain, their very special protein also has a higher biological value compared to all other grains. With 100 g of oat flakes, you can cover your daily requirement of six of the eight essential amino acids!
Furthermore, oats provide a very good combination of fibres. A large part of the soluble soluble fibre is the so-called beta-glucan. It supports the activity of certain immune cells by having an anti-inflammatory effect.  Soluble fibre can also lower cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar levels amazingly well, so there are also special oat cures for diabetics or people with insulin resistance.
The carbohydrate content is also impressive: Around 65%, whereby starch splitting develops in the oat grain during ripening, germ formation and storage with the help of enzymes. This produces substances that are very easy to digest. That is why oats are also ideal for babies, small children and sick people.
In addition, oats contain many valuable B vitamins, which generally have a very positive effect on skin, hair and nerves. Compared to other cereals (except millet), oats provide high levels of iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and silicon (silicic acid). Silicon supports connective tissue health and makes the skin firm and elastic.
Oats are very diverse and are used in many dishes. The grain is not only suitable for baking and as porridge, it also quickly enhances vegetable soups and stews and is great to add to omelettes and pancake batter.

Nice To Know:
Oats also have a completely different property: it helps our psyche with a hormone that is produced during digestion, so it helps against bad moods and is even used in the therapy of depression as a “natural medicine”.
And for women: Oats contain oestrogens, so they regulate the hormone balance.

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